November 5, 2009

Where do I start?!?!

Well, it has been a long time since I have posted. I think I need to designate a specific evening for blogging before all other things, so at least I can ensure one update per week! Life has kept us busy the past few weeks.

Camryn seems to be having some health issues. Over the past three weeks she has spit up blood, and had some blood show up in her stools. We've had her to three separate ER's, and the current diagnosis is that she is allergic to the cow's milk protein that is in my breast milk. So, I have been completely dairy free for about 9 days now. The thing is, she seems to be getting worse, nor better, so we aren't sure what to think! The last Dr at the Stollery Hospital has referred us to a pediatrician to investigate things further, but we don't get to see him until the 16th of November, so until then we are supposed to just wait, unless we start seeing new symptoms, which we haven't- it's just that the old symptoms are showing up more often. She's still healthy and happy(aside from when she's cranky!) so we are just biding our time until the appointment.

Camryn had her two month shots on Tuesday, and she screamed like crazy during them! Connor came along and was not impressed with the nurse for hurting his little sister! She was also weighed and measured, and her stats are:

Weight: 10lbs 5oz
Height: 22.25oz

She's in the 50th percentile for both height and weight, but despite being half a pound heavier than Connor at birth, she weighs a few ounces less than he did at two months. I'm not sure if she is just going to be a very slow gainer, as Connor is, or if this is something related to her health issues.  Once again, we'll just have to wait and see!

In other news, this was Connor's first year of Trick Or Treating for Halloween, and he had a blast! We went with his cousins Courtney and Jacob in Fort Saskatchewan, and then popped in at Oma and Opa's house for a special treat at the end of the night. After every house Connor would say, "Now what house are we going to?" And he actually tried to walk in to a few houses if they had a pet! He didn't nap that day so by the end of the night he was having trouble even walking down the steps of people's houses! He still asks if we can go again! Thankfully  he doesn't know how long a year is, because he seems okay when we tell him we will go again next year!

Today I attempted raking the leaves with Cami in the Snugli, and Connor helping.  It was +17 today so we just couldn't stay inside!! Connor took off into the back yard and drove his quad, but Camryn fell asleep, so I managed to get half the fron done while raking with one hand! I made a decent pile just as Derek came home from work, so he snapped a few photos!


Mom x2 said...

I've been thinking about Camryn and wondering if she was getting better at all. I really hope for your sake you get some answers.

Loved your update and the new pictures. Your kiddo's are so adorable.

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